Net Zero Home Efficiency feature

Net – Zero Home Efficiency

BC Climate Zones are defined by the average Heating Degree-Days below 18C (HDD). HDD = Total number of degrees, summed up over a one-year period, that a day’s average temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius. Authorities having jurisdiction establish these values based on data from Environment Canada. Some locations may include several different climate zones due to changes in elevation.

Net Zero Home Efficiency 1

Jurisdictions outside of the City of Vancouver must only reference the Step Code performance targets if they wish to implement energy performance targets higher than the 2018 BC Building Code minimum prescriptive targets.

Municipalities used to be able to create their own unique targets which caused confusion for builders. Vancouver is the only municipality that can set their own targets. The BC Step Code creates a standardized set of performance targets for all jurisdictions within a given climate zone. Municipalities that have implemented Step Code found on

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A net-zero home is a building that has been designed and built to a level of performance such that it could, with the addition of renewable energy technologies on-site (or near-site), achieve net-zero energy performance and produce as much clean energy as it consumes.

Heating water accounts for 15% to 35% of a building’s total energy use. To conserve energy consider using high efficiency domestic hot water systems, air-source heat pump hot water tanks, and drain water heat recovery systems.

Solar heat gains can be used to reduce heating needs in the energy model. Window design is based on a building’s location, site direction, and site conditions. Energy modeling will show solar gains due to windows. Carefully design window position to prevent overheating in the summer, consider overhangs and solar shading devices to counter any overheating possibilities.

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The orientation of a home is important as it can impact solar gains, TEDI and cooling, window selection, and extreme weather effect mitigation.

Depending on your strategy, considering the home’s orientation means you can maximize the potential for solar heat gains through glazing from the south.

Contact us at or 778-231-8188 to obtain a free estimate with one of our team members. Visit for more information.